Monday, June 30, 2014

Advertise Here

You can put your ads to promote your business or website, here in this blog via leaderboard top banner 728x90px, Mid Banner 468x60px and small box 125x125px via plans provided. Now my page-view in average 300 pv/day with visitor coming
1. Malaysia    2. Singapore    3. US     4. India     5. Pakistan
 click here for details visitor come from

Your Ads Size Weekly Monthly Yearly
 1. leaderboard  / top banner = 728 x 90 px
$ 1.00 $ 5 $ 50
save $10
2. Mid Banner = 468 x 60 px $ 0.60 $ 3 $ 30
save $6
3. Small box = 125x125px
$ 0.20
$ 2 $ 20
save $4

Payments using PayPal at only and the currency is in USD. The picture may in gif, jpeg or png in format attach to email. Include the print screen of your payment first, then I will process the application.

So the details in the e-mail
1. Place you select ( refer the table above - 1, 2 or 3)
2. Monthly / yearly
3. Target link, eg
4. Popup text. When visitor hover your ad image, it will pop a text
5. Description below pict and only for 125x125 box banner. Add Some words - not more than 5 words (this is free), but if you want's more, please donate
6. Attach
   a) picture to display- if the size not match my spec, don't worry I will fit it in
   b) payment print screen

Please no porn, drug or anything that illegal ... you now what I'm saying right?

you can email me the details at
Thanks for using to advertise

Monday, June 23, 2014

Join An Affiliate Program by Blogging

Do what you do the most, Blogging ... while promote your link and continue promoting to other bloggers and so on ...

Many will ask what is it an Affiliate Program and the significant connections between your page / blog

If you want to take your site to the next level? If you have a content-driven Web site, you can make money with your traffic. If you are an online merchant, how can you get people to your site to buy your products? One popular option that serves both of these functions is an affiliate program. In this article, we'll examine affiliate programs to find out what they are, how they work, who they are for and how you can use them to benefit your Web site.

But You don't have any item to sell. So you can join some store to sell product in an Affiliate Programe.
An affiliate program is a great way to earn some extra money from your website. But to achieve an click and customer who are driven to the website that sell's their item -- and net must buy while you just have to wait for the commissions that are in penny... this process must continue at least at some point you have enough amount to be drawn.

So i've come with a solution by joining a simple ads program but at a twist if someone you promote using your link is the easiest.

I assume this Two sites that i've joined are like an Affiliate program but much easy.
Click To Join H12-Media

(1) H12-Media 

This is a simple ads with Standard banners for your websites.
You will Get better click rates and CPM (click per Mile) rate by using them. You can earn even visitor do not click the ads, they count them by impression (just only viewing your site is enough)
Payment limit 5 USD to Paypal
Every day your account balance updates according your previous day's revenues.
Reach 5 USD and request a payment.
Earn from your affiliated accounts' (referral) revenues: 10% by promoting your registeration URL, get affiliated publisher accounts.
When your affiliated account request a payment, we'll add 10% of your affiliated account's amount in your account balance.
Do not worry, they send you an email when we made a payment to your affiliate that includes the amount you earned.
Have Secure pop under banners with highest CPM rates also. You can also set frequency capping for pop-unders.
Comparison with GoogleAdsense : H12-Media is 5:1
To join H12 Media CLICK HERE


Adfly is a LINK SHORTER service. Lately, its promoting an android compatible ads ... Whats a relief. Nowadays people view internet using android, apple or any phone based gadget. Nice

Its now have a High payout rates, good monthly income, fast & customized url shortener, and non-intrusive ads to my blogs. I now use only the pop ads only, for instruction on how to install it in blogspot click here. Also I've got a lot of my visitors with as a publisher. Earn from your affiliated accounts' (referral) revenues: 20% by promoting your registeration URL, get affiliated publisher accounts.
Comparison with GoogleAdsense : Adfly is 3:1
To join Adfly CLICK HERE

So Then,  promote these to your visitor and gather your own visitor as affiliate. Enjoy... If you don't have many visitor .. its doesn't mater because you have the program itself pays you well and its proven to pay your money (not fraud proven)